GAC June 2021 Update

Covid Update:
As of the time of writing this, Vermont has had low Covid Case numbers for the past few weeks with less than 10 new cases per day. Vaccination is now over 80% of the population and the Vermont state of emergency has been lifted. Vermont has the highest vaccination rate in the country. Well done to all Vermonters for doing their part in putting an end to the global pandemic.

Notice of proposed rule: Biomass renewable energy standard:
Act No. 56 of the Acts of 2015 established a renewable energy standard and Energy Transformation program for electric utilities in the State of Vermont which specifically includes biomass to produce electricity. This day an age “biomass” is not just firewood, but more. It is characterized by any plant matter that can be burned to produce energy. In Vermont more than 40 schools in the state now burn wood chips or cord wood to heat classrooms. Cities such as Burlington and Montpelier have municipal heating from Biomass currently. The idea is to use low grade wood product for heating buildings.
Act 56 amended Chapter 87 of tittle 10 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated to add a new section 2751. This requires the Commissioner of the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to develop rules that establish renewability standards for the forest products used to generate energy by distributed renewable generation and energy transformation projects within the Renewable Energy Standards. 10 V.S.A. Section 2750.
These standards may include minimum efficiency requirement for wood boilers and requirements for harvesting and procurement. In developing these rules, the Commissioner shall consider differentiating the standards by type of forest product and scale of forest product.
There has been a public hearing as of July 16th and was opened to public comment. For more details on the above topic, visit the following website:

US Government Affairs Updates (as reported by, 5/27/21, partial topics listing)
• ASHRAE Member Participates in School Superintendents Association Webinar
• ASHRAE Sends Letter on Texas Bill for Indoor Air Quality in Schools

• President Biden Signs Executive Order on Climate-related Financial Risk
• White House Announces New Building Performance Standards Federal Facilities
• DOE to Invest up to $30 Million in the American Workforce

For detailed information on the above topics, visit the ASHRAE Government Affairs Update website page at: SHRAE&message_id=20345556

Mallory Fischer
GAC Committee Member

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