GAC August 2019 Update

Vermont Building Energy Standards Update
The final hearing in the rulemaking process for the Residential and Commercial Building Energy Standards update with the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (LCAR) is scheduled for September 5th, 2019. LCAR hearings typically run from 10-12 am. The agenda for the hearing and other details such as meeting location, requirements for testifying, etc. is available on their webpage at: .
The proposed rule, including code language, responses to comments, and other supporting documentation filed with LCAR is now posted on the PSD website at the following link:

US Government Affairs Updates (as reported by, 8/15/2016 partial topics listing)
–  EU Attempts to Clamp Down on Illegal HFC Imports
–  Moderate Democrats Publish Pro-Climate and Pro-Market Principles
–  DOE Publishes Data to be Used for the “Process Rule”
–  Rhode Island Governor Targets Heating Sector Emissions
–  Michigan Eyes Energy Audits in State Facilities
–  Atlanta Legionella Outbreak Continues
–  Washington, DC Amending Energy Conservation Code

For detailed information on the above topics, visit the ASHRAE Government Affairs Update website page at:

Dick Wilcox
GAC Chair

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