February 2020 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes
Date: 2/4/2020


    1. Time – 4:34
    2. Location – VEIC Office
    1. January meeting minutes need approval. MJ motions
      1. Minutes approved
    1. President –
      1. Slate announced in March
      2. Vote in April
      3. Need to vote on Nominating Committee
        1. Tom Z
        2. Greg D
        3. Mike Spasyk
        4. Nominating committee passes.
        5. Greg- Pres
        6. Tate-pres elect
        7. VP?
        8. Mallory- Secretary
        9. Charlie- Treasurer
        10. BOG: Charlie, Nick, MJ, Rob, Dick, Brent
        11. Dillon is an option. Tori @ Hallam
    2. Secretary – Will summarize monthly meetings for Newsletter.
      1. Please assign to another ASHRAE member if cannot attend presentation.
    3. Treasurer – Balance is $15,064.20
      1. Still need to be billed for another night at hotel
    4. CTTC – Fund raising, PDH Certificates, and events.
      1. Set up Meeting date for each Chair
        1. Membership Promotion or YEA Could be in March
        2. Other Chair’s interested: History, GAC, Student Activities…
      2. Were PDH Certificates for November and December meetings sent out?
        1. Tate to upload attendance list to help Greg D. distribute PDH credits.
      3. Were surveys sent out for previous meetings?
        1. Results should be recorded and sent to Regional for PAOE Points.
      4. Future meetings- Updates
      5. February: ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer at Better Buildings by Design
        1. Special code for ASHRAE members discount?
        2. We can use a Tavern room for a second session right after lunch.
      6. March: Joint ASHRAE VHES meeting.
      7. April: Greg Liebert on forensic engineering.
      8. May: VT state energy plan.
      9. June: Fun Event. Billiards?
    5. EC – Newsletters, Website, Social Media
      1. Officers please send headshots and Linked In info. We’d like to add this to our website. Send to Rachael or Charlie.
      2. Can we update sponsors on our website? Old ones still showing
    6. RP/Sponsorship –
      1. New Sponsorship section on website
        1. Updates from Nick?
          1. Few hundred dollars away
        2. New sponsors: EVT, LAARS, VHV have now paid ($750)
          1. VHV logo?
          2. $x,xxx currently
        3. Goal is $4,000 for sponsorship
      2. Research Promotion
        1. Update?
        2. $2,500 mostly form individuals
        3. Most companies
      3. New ASHRAE Building
        1. Building donations are separate form RP.
        2. Make sure people know the difference. 67,000 SqFt
        3. October move in schedule
    7. GAC – Monthly updates
      1. Updates from Dick W. on the GAC meeting?
        1. Rob was at statehouse in January.
        2. VT State energy plan meeting planned.
    8. Student Activities – Budget and involvement.
      1. VTC budget.
        1. Did we send them scholarships? YES
        2. $2,200
    9. Historian – Charter states October 1970 was CVC’s beginning.
      1. UPDATES? Will meet after Holidays
        1. Committee for 50th Anniversary of chapter will be Mike Cook, Tom Zoller and Dick Wilcox & Tom Dacres Jr.
        2. September 2nd or 3rd is date!! President Chuck will visit!
        3. Meeting on 17th of January. Another on Friday Feb 7th
          1. 4 venue options
          2. Sponsorship levels. Tabletops for the year.
          3. Need to outline a budget. Will include banners and activities.
    10. MP – New members and delinquents
      1. Scott is not continuing next year
      2. Upgrade membership levels –
        1. Scott to reach out and accumulate a list of members who need to renew or upgrade membership.
      3. Any new members got involved with ASHRAE?
        1. Newsletter announcement?
      4. Delinquent members, should we send reminders?
    11. YEA – YEA involvement and activities
      1. Goal to get CVC member to YEA event. Money in budget.
        1. Minneapolis May 15-17
        2. $500 event
        3. Sponsorships through regional
      2. Friday Night Lights Event: Cochran’s
  5. New Topics – Meeting Invites:
    1. Charlie C. to invite 2 weeks before event – with the idea of notifying members early and frequently.
    2. Include meeting dates and topics in newsletter and calendar online.
    3. Weird email to Tate. Asking to reset ASHRAE.
  6. ADJOURNMENT – 5:17



Role Name Company Present
President Charlie Carpenter VEIC X
President Elect, CTTC Greg Deutscher VHV
Vice President, CTTC N/A
Secretary Mallory Fisher VHV X
Treasurer, YEA Tate Colbert Cx Associates X
BOG Mary Jane Poynter VEIC X
BOG Brent Weigel Hallam ICS
BOG Rob Ward VHV X
Government Affairs, BOG Dick Wilcox VHV X
Electronic Communications Rachael Mascolino VEIC
Resource Promotion, BOG Nick Thiltgen D&K Phone
Student Activities Dillon Delano NE Air Systems
Historian Michael Cook ARC
Membership Promotion, BOG Scott Sullivan Siemens

Minutes Recorded By: Mallory Fischer
These minutes are the writers understanding of the discussions involved.  If there are any exceptions taken, or omissions, please notify the writer immediately.

Acronyms, For Reference
BOG – Board of Governors
CTTC – Chapter Technology Transfer Committee
GAC – Government Affairs Committee
RP – Research Promotion
MP – Membership Promotion
ECC – Electronics Communications Committee
SAC – Student Activities Committee
YEA – Young Engineers in ASHRAE
CRC – Chapters Regional Conference
CIQ – Chapter Information Questionnaire
MCO – Management By Objective
PAOE – Presidential Award of Excellence


This site is maintained by the Champlain Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. Champlain Valley Chapter may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at http://www.ashrae.org.