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  Please join us for a lunch time meeting on Tuesday, December 5th at 12:00pm. This will be a live webinar by ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer Bruce Lindsay. He is currently the Business Development Leader for Trane’s Thermal Storage Systems (CALMAC ice tanks) and focuses on the investment tax credits in the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.  Mr. Lindsay has been involved in thermal storage for over 30 years and was the Executive Director of the Electric Power Research Institute’s Thermal Storage Research Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was recently the Energy Manager for Brevard County Public Schools (Florida), where he had 84 schools of which 20 had ice storage systems. The presentation topic is cooling and heating with ice. If you are curious about what this means, here is a short introductory video: Heating with Ice
Free for students
$10 for members
$15 for nonmembers

All those that register will receive a Teams meeting announcement on the morning
of December 5th. 1 PDH will be assigned after the presentation.

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