Near Net Zero Energy HVAC by Design
Jeff Harrison from Blake Group joined the Champlain Valley ASHRAE Club for a talk on efficiency with geothermal heat pump systems. He brought a wealth of information on forensic engineering on geo-exchange HVAC systems for commercial buildings. His work has a more practical approach to near net zero energy buildings. Jeff went over the components of the systems in detail and where efficiencies can be utilized. When designing systems in new England he has found that many standards do not pertain to New England and apply more for the western U.S. areas where geothermal was pioneered. Available design software is good for more typical designs such as U Bend heat exchanger, and losses its ability to predict actual performance with more efficient New England site designs. His solution is to focus on the details and use highly efficient components on each part of the system. Jeff pointed out the “nemesis of the geo system” – the designed load of the building system must match the actual load of the building. Highlighting the importance of proper air barriers and blower door tests.
Near Net Zero Energy HVAC By Design_October 2019