2017 – 2018 Annual Goals

                Objective Measurement Device/Related Task Due Date
Establish MBO Goals for FY 2017/2018 Develop list of MBO’s complete with task descriptions and due dates. Submit to Region I GGAC Chair 10/1/2017
Establish a chapter Grassroots Government Advocacy Committee with at least 2 members to promote ASHRAE with state, provincial, and local government Enlist Chapter members to the GGAC  Committee complete with at least (3) GGAC committee members  Develop task assignments to each Committee member. Have task assignments distributed by 10/30/17 10/15/2017
Develop list, with contact information, for all elected officials within the Champlain Valley Chapter’s geographical Boundaries. Submit list to regional Chair. Listing to include contact for managing State Energy Code Research State and local Governmental websites. Update current data base of appointed/hired governmental employees. Data base shall include:
a.) name
b.) address
c.) telephone number(s)
d.) e-mail address
e.) other categories (i.e. region served, county served, etc.)
Submit list to Region I Chair, Include government code officials at the local level
Maintain listing of local and state energy code entities for Chapter area Include contacts of the people managing the code. Include information with item 3 above. 10/15/2017
Provide Article Write up of GGAC Activities Provide monthly write-ups of GGAC current news/ events (state, local or regulatory issue) and submit to Chapter’s newsletter editor for inclusion in Chapter’s “The Champ” Monthly Newsletter Monthly submitted by the 25’th of the month (verify date)
Provide GGAC activities training to Chapter Officer volunteers and (and future leaders ), Provide training of Chapter Officers (3) who will be volunteering for GGAC requirements. Use PowerPoint provided by Rich Vehlow when performing the training. 10/30/2017
Personal meetings with Government Officials
(minimum of 3 meetings)
Meet with State Officials  to promote promoting ASHRAE related subjects or Chapter goals and objectives 5/1/2018
Coordinate with Chapter Program Chair and develop program for one of our Chapter’s Monthly Meeting on a topic of Government Activities Develop monthly meeting program aimed at an update of current regulatory issue (program TBD, possible Carbon tax presentation brought to the house floor?) Proposed meeting would be Joint with the local AIA and include a separate presentation that would be on interest for all. Topic to be defined. 5/1/2018
Perform National Engineers week activity that will promote engineering Engineers week is scheduled for Feb 19 thru 25, 2018. Need to brainstorm with committee members to determine activities that will be undertaken. More than 1?? 1/1/2018

This site is maintained by the Champlain Valley Chapter of ASHRAE. It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. Champlain Valley Chapter may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, contact the ASHRAE home page at http://www.ashrae.org.